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$Jore Janavičiute

Where things, where people disappear

Lithuania, 2017, 17 min., orig. [en]

12.04.18 18:15 Bolzano, Club 3

An encounter at the gym. Simona is beside  herself – someone has stolen her handbag and car keys. Donas placates her, saying it has never happened before, and asking her not to ring the police straightaway. After all, some of the gym’s employees are part of the psychiatric clinic’s vocational programme. When he offers to drive her home, it’s the start of a night that will change both their lives.

Eine Begegnung im Fitnessstudio: Simona ist außer sich, weil man ihre Handtasche gestohlen hat. Als Donas beschwichtigend anbietet, sie nach  Hause zu fahren, beginnt eine Nacht, die beider Leben verändert.

In palestra, Simona è fuori di sé per il furto della borsa. Quando Donas si offre di riaccompagnarla a casa, sarà l’inizio di una notte che cambierà le loro vite.