Online Registration “Cinema and School”

Please complete a separate registration for each appointment.


Telephone number

Your Mailing Address

Make sure you enter your email address correctly

Responsible teacher

School class(es)

Number of visitors (including teachers or companions)

Film Title

Date of screening

Place and time
 Bozen/Bolzano, at 09.15  Bozen/Bolzano, at 10.30  Bozen/Bolzano, at 14.00
 Meran/Merano, at 14.00

Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you for your enquiry about a special screening for students. The date requested will be confirmed as soon as availability has been verified.

Admission is € 5 per student; no charge for accompanying teachers and helpers. Please note that tickets must be paid for in cash or by bank card on the day of the performance and that these admission tickets are considered as a valid receipt for payment. We regret that no electronic invoice can be issued.

We would like to point out that screenings begin punctually and that consumption of food and drinks are not allowed in the cinema itself, only in the foyer.

We look forward to seeing you.

Best regards

Filmclub Bozen-Bolzano


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